Page 177 - Midas Touch
P. 177
When S-quadrant people cut their prices or discount their services, they
often fail because they only cut the price of their product. The rest of the
business doesn’t change. The other areas of the B-I Triangle keep on doing
what they were doing before. That won’t work. A company built for higher
prices will die when prices are lowered too far, unless everything else
changes accordingly.
Little Thing #3: Overnight shipping
Federal Express, now called FedEx, burst onto the business scene with the
promise of overnight shipping. Overnight was a little thing that counted
big. Today, FedEx is a multibillion-dollar business.
Because of its worldwide operations, FedEx had to drop the positively
overnight guarantee. Nonetheless, overnight remains in the DNA, the
mission of FedEx.
Little Thing #4: You deserve a break today
McDonald’s knows what it feels like to be a parent with small kids.
Keeping kids happy is another little thing that counts. I have never seen an
unhappy kid at McDonald’s. And I have seen a lot of relieved parents who
are happy their kids are happy.
Whenever I hear nutritionists rant about how bad McDonald’s food is for
kids, I know that nutritionist does not get why McDonald’s is so
successful. A trip to McDonald’s has nothing to do with food. A trip to
McDonald’s is all about happy kids and parents who need a break. To
recite McDonald’s latest campaign: “I’m lovin’ it.”
Taking another look at the B-I Triangle, you get a glimpse into the
brilliance of McDonald’s global systems.