Page 204 - Midas Touch
P. 204

Lifelong  learning  means  that  entrepreneurs  must  spend  time  with  other
                entrepreneurs  to  share  and  grow  from  each  other’s  experiences.  A  great
                place  to  meet  and  study  with  other  entrepreneurs  is  EO  (Entrepreneurs’
                Organization).  EO  is  a  worldwide  organization  with  chapters  in  most

                major  cities.  Members  learn  on  a  regular  basis  through  extensive
                educational  programs  for  entrepreneurs.  Through  a  valuable  program
                called  “Forum,”  entrepreneurs  meet  monthly  in  small  groups  and  share
                business experiences and issues. Together they solve problems and move
                businesses  and  lives  forward.  Countless  companies  in  the  EO  network
                have  succeeded  in  starting  out  as  S’s  and  rising  to  large  B-quadrant

                The Rich Dad Company is also developing an ambitious program called
                GEO  (Global  Entrepreneurs  Organization).  GEO  will  focus  on  the
                education,  experience,  and  skills  that  entrepreneurs  need  to  start  an  S-
                quadrant  business  and  then  grow  it  into  the  B  and  I  quadrants.  An
                advantage  of  being  an  entrepreneur  is  that  your  business  becomes  your
                personal business school as you study business. You’ve got your company
                as the laboratory, so dig in and make learning a lifelong journey.

                Malcolm  Gladwell’s  Outliers:  The  Story  of  Success  is  a  book  all
                entrepreneurs  should  read.  Outliers  explains  why  people  like  Bill  Gates
                and groups like The Beatles are beyond successful. It explains why there
                are very few real “overnight successes.” Gladwell says instead that we are
                the product of hidden advantages, extraordinary opportunities and cultural
                legacies that shape who we are and the success we achieve. It makes sense
                then to seek out these things in our lives and learn all we can from them.

                Leave yourselves open to varied experiences, become a lifelong student of
                business, and you will be far more successful than most entrepreneurs.

                Must-Do #2: Find out who you are.

                Entrepreneurs are all unique. One way to build a business and turn it into a
                brand is to know who you are.

                Another book well worth studying is The Hero and the Outlaw: Building
                Extraordinary  Brands  through  the  Power  of  Archetypes,  written  by

                Margaret  Mark  and  Carol  S.  Pearson.  This  book  gives  entrepreneurs  a
                better look into themselves and their business.
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