Page 86 - Midas Touch
P. 86
all have a specific function, and ideally they all work
In a business, you’ll have accounting systems,
communication systems, legal systems, supply-chain
systems, manufacturing systems, distribution systems, and
many others. The point is that the whole business, body, or
car relies on its systems to operate effectively. It only takes
one system falter or failure to hinder or shut down the
entire body, car, or business. Imagine what it would be like
to be driving along and have a brake failure. Think about
what it is like for a two-pack-a-day smoker to run a mile.
Imagine trying to grow a business run by accountants who
refuse to spend money on advertising in an attempt to save
money. In all these cases, one system failure or falter can be
Entrepreneurs must be great communicators and speak
many languages—and we are not talking necessarily about
French, Spanish, German, or Mandarin. We are talking
about the languages of business. Entrepreneurs must be able
to speak the language of the law. They must be able to talk
accounting, real estate, marketing, Internet, and every other
discipline within their companies. Entrepreneurs must also
understand and learn to speak the language of their
customers. Only that way can leaders carry on meaningful
conversations and make solid decisions.
Have you ever worked for a company where the leader was
just “out of it” and didn’t have a clue about anything you
were doing? That’s an example of a leader who did not take
the time to learn the language of your specialty. That’s a big
mistake in business.
Learning the languages of business is no different than
learning a foreign language. It takes time and practice. And
just as the best way to learn a foreign language is to travel