Page 106 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 106


                          M O N E Y I S N O T A LWAY S

                              T H E B O T T O M L I N E

                    It  ca n  be  a  scoreca rd ,    not   the  f inal   score

                     ’m the last person you would expect to downplay the impor-
                   Itance of money, since I’ve been fortunate to earn lots of it.
                   People associate me with money, and it’s given me a remarkable
                   life. But making money should not be your primary purpose
                   because if it is, you can end up with little else.
                       In reality, most of us need to make money; we have bills to
                   pay. However, other objectives can be equally, or more, impor-
                   tant, including the stimulation and satisfaction you receive from
                   your work and its challenges. There’s also the pleasure of helping
                   others and doing good or the opportunity to learn, grow, and deal
                   with outstanding people, to name just a few.
                       Think of your business career as a long-term venture that will
                   occupy you for the rest of your life. Always build for tomorrow

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