Page 102 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 102


                        S W I M A G A I N S T T H E T I D E

                       The   co mfor t    zone   ca n  pul l  you    u nde r

                        n old friend was working on Wall Street and not doing well.
                   A He looked worse—unhealthier and unhappier—each time I
                   saw him, and it saddened me. I liked this guy, so I finally decided
                   to tell him that he was beginning to look like a total loser. I hated
                   speaking so harshly, but I really cared about him and wanted to
                   help. When I asked him why he stayed on Wall Street, even
                   though it obviously was not working for him, he explained that
                   his family had always worked there and he felt obligated to con-
                   tinue the family tradition, even though it was killing him.
                       When I asked him what he liked to do, he told me he loved to
                   tend the greens at his golf club. He knew golf courses, had a feel
                   for them, and cared for them well. He also loved working out-
                   doors and being in contact with people. I suggested that he look
                   into the golf industry instead of continuing to suffer on Wall

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