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T R U M P  1 0 1 :  T H E  WAY  T O  S U C C E S S

               Street. I also pointed out that his unhappiness was probably tak-
               ing a heavy toll on his family.
                   Breaking away was difficult, but he made the move. He had to
               swim upstream, in hostile waters, and against the strongest tide—
               his family’s and friends’ traditions and expectations. He went into
               the golf business, where he became extremely successful. When I
               see him now, he’s always beaming and looking healthy. He has a
               new lease on life and has become a different person because he had
               the guts to go against tradition, take control of his life, and change.

                     Your electricity might flow better through another socket.

                                                         —Donald J. Trump


               It’s easy to take the conventional route and not make waves, but the
               easiest way can be the mediocre way; it may be little more than just
               treading water. That’s okay if you’re content being comfortable and
               avoiding challenges, but it’s not what I want from life. Most likely it
               isn’t for you either, especially if you’re reading this book.
                   Comfort can be a trickster that lures you into a false sense of
               security and leaves you stuck in the same old place. It can make
               you complacent and lazy and prevent you from getting ahead. Of
               course, there’s a place for comfort. At times, it’s what we all want.
               However, in the workplace, comfort will hold you back.
                   When you begin feeling comfortable, it should sound an
               alarm that alerts you that you might be falling into a trap. Ask
               yourself “Have I stopped moving or have I become stuck?”

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