Page 153 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 153

T R U M P  1 0 1 :  T H E  WAY  T O  S U C C E S S

               attitude. This follows a journalistic approach in its purest sense—
               news without a slant. A nonjudgmental approach collects and
               reports the facts without jumping to conclusions or interpreting
               their meaning. This approach may require you to do a little more
               thinking, which can only be a good thing.
                   Never presume that your way is the only way, whether you’re
               talking about work, ethics, or politics. Be tolerant of diverse opin-
               ions, practices, and views. Be grateful for the diversity in our lives
               and for the benefits of being exposed to so many different back-
               grounds and beliefs. Take the time to try to understand other
               viewpoints—how and why those people feel and act as they do.
               Gather information, get the whole story, and don’t jump to con-
               clusions or judge.
                   Results are what matter; the rest is style. Thomas Edison
               remarked that he knew a lot about results because he found sev-
               eral thousand things that didn’t work on his way to finding some-
               thing that did.

                                   M A K E I T H A P P E N I N Y O U R L I F E

                  Here are suggestions to improve your work habits:

                  • Find your most effective way to work. Do you work bet-
                     ter in the mornings, or when you sleep late? Examine
                     your habits, patterns, and comfort zones. Try to develop
                     an objective understanding of how you act.

                  • Learn what changes you should make. Are any of your
                     habits, patterns, or approaches holding you back and
                     keeping you from advancing to the next level? If so, iden-
                     tify and fix them so you can move on.

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