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                              I T TA K E S C O U R A G E

                                      T O P E R S I S T

                            Busine ss     pre ss ure s  ne ve r   s top

                        ourage is a frequently misunderstood concept. When most
                   Cpeople hear the word, they think of heroism during war or dis-
                   asters such as earthquakes, floods, and other calamities. Courage is
                   equated with superhero-level bravery, against overwhelming odds,
                   and feats that are far beyond most of our capabilities.
                       I think of the word courage differently. Yes, it applies to heroic
                   actions, but it also means working day after day, year after year,
                   without becoming discouraged, worn down, or bitter. It means
                   persisting, carrying on without letting up, and consistently giving
                   your best.
                       Courage isn’t the absence of fear; it’s the conquering of fear.
                   Just because people appear confident doesn’t mean that they are
                   not afraid. Many great performers suffer stage fright and must

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