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T R U M P  1 0 1 :  T H E  WAY  T O  S U C C E S S

               fight to overcome it. With some, the fear never goes away, but
               they still perform and do so brilliantly. They work through their
               fears to persist and overcome. They know that their job is to go
               on stage and perform regardless of how they feel. To be a star, to
               succeed, talent alone isn’t enough; success takes work and
               requires courage.

                                Courage is grace under pressure.

                                                       —Ernest Hemingway

                            BUSINESS NEVER STOPS

               Business never stops; it keeps moving on—you can’t rest on your
               laurels or become complacent. If you stop or relax, you may put
               yourself out of business because someone is always eager to take
               your place. To survive, you must be determined, persistent, and
               prepared for the long run—even when the odds are stacked
               against you. That’s where courage comes in.
                   People are surprised to learn that I put in 12-hour working
               days. For me, that’s the norm, not the exception. To remain
               successful, I have to be persistent and work hard; I work long
               hours to get everything done. If you usually work a 40-hour
               week and then add on another 20 hours a week for a few weeks,
               you’ll be surprised at how much more you can accomplish. Pro-
               ductive people accomplish more for a reason—they work long
               and hard.
                   Michelangelo was a tenacious genius who went to extremes
               for his art. And his results were spectacular. He had to be coura-

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