Page 163 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 163

T R U M P  1 0 1 :  T H E  WAY  T O  S U C C E S S

                         I N S I S T  O N P E R F E C T I O N

                           A guy used to constantly call me and complain
                  about everybody and their brother. To listen to him you
                  would think that the entire world was against him and that
                  he never made a mistake in his life. From day one, nothing
                  was ever his fault; everyone else was to blame. In truth, he
                  was his own biggest blind spot, and, sad to say, he
                  eventually became a total loser because he never remedied
                  his biggest problem—himself.
                    When things go wrong, look at yourself first. Don’t
                  instinctively blame others or the circumstances—or use
                  them to cover your behind. Be the leader; stand tall, and
                  take the hit. If you accept the glory, be willing to accept

               painful defeats. I’ve learned to go quickly from seeing problems
               to seeing their solutions. The secret to resolving problems is to
               emphasize the solution more than the problem; accentuate the
               positive without ignoring the negative.
                   And here’s another tip for those of you who work for others—
               even if you plan to venture out on your own. Learn to be invalu-
               able team players. You may have noticed on The Apprentice that
               the people who lack strong team skills don’t do as well. Although
               each candidate on the show wants to win, a critical part of the
               contest is to work well on teams. In any business, at any level,
               being a good team player is crucial. Master how to be a team
               player because it really pays.

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