Page 177 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 177


                  C O N F I D E N C E I S A M A G N E T

                           It  wil l  d raw    people   to  you

                      any factors affect whether you seize opportunities, and I
               Mthink most begin with self-confidence. Believing in your-
               self can take you where you want to go, but uncertainty can
               destroy your chances of success. When you feel good about your-
               self and are convinced about your talents and abilities, everything
               is easier and more fun. Other people will respond to you, believe
               in you, and help you reach your goals. You’ll have that “top of the
               world” feeling and feed off the energy it provides.
                   Never let anyone undermine your confidence, especially your-
               self. Know your business expertly and in depth. Always be totally
               prepared so that doubters, disbelievers, and competitors can’t
               throw you off track. People like winners, so project that you are
               one. People want to know, transact business with, and be friends
               with winners. Your self-assurance can transform people’s doubts
               and fears, eliminate negativity, and help you attain greater success.

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