Page 179 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 179

T R U M P  1 0 1 :  T H E  WAY  T O  S U C C E S S

               it, an amazing thing occurs: You accumulate an incredible body of
               knowledge in your area of expertise and develop the uncanny
               ability to make the right calls consistently. Getting to this level is
               an awesome achievement; it’s the essence of success. It’s why so
               many successful people never want to retire or stop what they do
               so well. More than the money, acclaim, and success, experts hate
               to give up the mastery of their business. That mastery is what
               makes them special and separates them from the pack.
                   Working at your business every day also builds up the
               strength and stamina it takes to carry heavy loads. In the long
               run, confidence will prove invaluable and give you a decided edge
               over others who are as well prepared.

                                   M A K E I T H A P P E N I N Y O U R L I F E

                  Here are some suggestions for building self-confidence:

                  • Learn your area of expertise fully, in great detail, so that
                     you become a leader in your field. Become the best at
                     what you do; it will improve your business and your life.
                  • Let your actions show that you’re the best. See each day
                     as an opportunity to show that you can do business at the
                     highest level.

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