Page 180 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 180


                                      K E E P Y O U R

                           M O M E N T U M R O L L I N G

                                  But   ne ve r  l ose  cont rol

                          hen you’re putting together a deal, you often develop
                   W great momentum. All of the pieces fall neatly in place and
                   come together seamlessly. You feel energized, indomitable, and
                   everything seems easy and fun. But that momentum can lull you
                   into a false sense of security because your momentum can vanish
                   quickly if you don’t work to maintain it.


                   When I use the word momentum, I mean the powerful burst of
                   energy that creates force, strength, and impetus to drive you
                   forward. Working fast also helps me build the stamina to main-
                   tain and strengthen my pace.

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