Page 181 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 181

T R U M P  1 0 1 :  T H E  WAY  T O  S U C C E S S

                   I’ll never be a wallflower—I’d rather build walls than cling
                   to them.
                                                         —Donald J. Trump

                   The first thing to understand about momentum is that it
               exists. You can’t take full advantage of this vital energy if you
               don’t know it’s there. Learn to recognize it and, once you can, let
               it sweep you forward. Use its force to propel you, but maintain
               your course.
                   A hugely successful real estate developer, who I admired, was
               going thorough a steep and unfortunate business decline. When
               we met at a party, I asked him what brought on his hard times.
               “Donald,” he said, “I lost my momentum, and I couldn’t get it
                   His response haunted me and taught me a great lesson. I
               began to study momentum and learned what a potent force it
               could be. Since then, I’ve continued studying the power of
               momentum and I apply it to my life and business. I never want to
               lose my momentum and slide, so I consciously think about my
               momentum; I monitor it, and work hard to keep it going.


               Inertia is the opposite of momentum. It holds you down and traps
               you. When you sense the onset of inertia, fight back. Treat it like
               negative thinking and zap it at its first appearance. Don’t let iner-
               tia hold you back because it can be murder to shake.
                   People frequently lose momentum by getting in their own
               way. I knew a man who always took 10 big, fast steps forward and

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