Page 28 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 28


                   magnificent, dazzling, and admired show place in the world.
                   Since this building was going to bear my name, it would repre-
                   sent me, so I wanted it to be exceptional, head and shoulders
                   beyond anything that New Yorkers had seen.
                       When Trump Tower opened to rave reviews and quickly
                   became a landmark, it was clear that my standard had been
                   accepted, and in a big way.
                       My advisors suggested that I hang beautiful paintings in the
                   lobby of Trump Tower. Although I love beautiful art, the idea
                   seemed old fashioned and unoriginal to me. So I decided to
                   install a waterfall instead. The waterfall is over 80 feet high and
                   cost $2 million to build. It’s absolutely spectacular and mesmeriz-
                   ing to watch. It has become a major attraction in New York City.
                   In fact, it’s attracted far more attention than if I had filled the
                   lobby with the finest art.
                       Once again, I was creating my own standard and setting the
                   bar high.

                                    IT’S CONTAGIOUS

                   Everyone has an opinion on what you should do and how you
                   should do it. Although most people mean well and often offer
                   sound advice, they don’t necessarily know what’s best for you. For
                   me, a major joy of my business is being able to exercise my own
                   vision and creativity and to express myself. I do it by developing
                   bigger, bolder, more beautiful projects; ventures that have imagi-
                   nation, style, scope, depth, and scale—projects that make people
                   ooh and aah and that deliver more than anyone expected.
                       How a business operates, the quality of the goods or services
                   that it provides, starts at the top and radiates down through the
                   entire organization. The people who work for me know that the

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