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D O N ’ T W A S T E Y O U R L I F E O N W O R K Y O U D O N ’ T L O V E

                             I N S I S T  O N P E R F E C T I O N

                               Passion can create business opportunities. I love
                     to play golf, so I created Trump Golf, to build and operate
                     world-class golf courses. Golf and business have similarities:
                     both are brain games. You get out of them what you put in.
                     Playing golf with business associates creates a relaxing
                     atmosphere where everyone has fun. It gets them away from
                     the office and into the sunshine and beauty of nature. That’s
                     why so many huge deals are closed on golf courses.
                        Through Trump Golf, I’ve found a lucrative way to com-
                     bine my love for golf and business. We operate spectacular
                     clubs in Westchester, New York; Bedminster, New Jersey;
                     Los Angeles, California; Palm Beach, Florida; and Canouan
                     Island, the Grenadines. These courses have given me
                     extraordinary places to play golf and host friends and associ-
                     ates. Plus, my golf courses have been successful business ven-
                     tures—which helps ease the pain of those putts I miss.

                     Trump National Golf Club, Briarcliff Manor, New York.
                     Photo courtesy of the Trump Organization.

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