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D O N ’ T W A S T E Y O U R L I F E O N W O R K Y O U D O N ’ T L O V E

                           WARNING: PASSION CAN ALSO
                              GET YOU INTO TROUBLE

                   Passion is a double-edged sword: it’s a great motivator, but it can
                   blind you and prevent you from seeing flaws that others can quickly
                   spot. Overall, your passion is far more positive than negative, but
                   you have to manage it so you can see the difference between right
                   and wrong. I call it having controlled passion, which is a great asset.
                       My passion has occasionally gotten me in financial trouble. If
                   you’re psyched about a deal, you may go into it knowing that the
                   market is going to turn down, but you’re so passionate about it
                   that you do it anyway. Sometimes it turns out poorly.
                       Get objective advice from individuals who care about you
                   before doing anything you’re really excited about—people who
                   will be honest, objective, and open-minded. Take their advice
                   seriously, even if it’s not what you want to hear. Ultimately, the
                   final decision of whether to proceed rests with you.

                     Ask Mr. Trump: Questions from Readers of the
                     Trump University Blog

                     Q: What is it that gets you through the resistance to change and
                     the resistance of organizations to look at problems that are rela-
                     tively easy to fix?

                     DJT: Passion is the number one ingredient. It can overcome many
                     difficulties and so-called impossibilities. Getting anything started
                     requires passion. Your enthusiasm can convince others to go
                     along and see things your way. Resistance can be good if it gets
                     you to improve your idea. When someone can discourage you,
                     you probably aren’t determined enough. Be resolute. That’s what
                     it takes to get things done.

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