Page 27 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 27


                          S E T T H E B A R H I G H

                            M ake    people    ooh   a nd  aah

                       hen I decided to develop properties in Manhattan, my
               Wfather couldn’t understand why. He had been successful in
               Brooklyn and Queens and thought that I should work there, too.
               However, moving into Manhattan was a long-standing goal of
               mine. Manhattan was the business, cultural, and social epicenter
               of the world; it was center stage and it was where I wanted to
               make my name.
                   Years later, after I successfully established myself in Manhat-
               tan and decided to build Trump Tower, I explained my vision to
               my father. I described the bold, beautiful, innovative glass and
               bronze exterior that would distinguish Trump Tower. Again he
               couldn’t understand. Bricks had always worked for him, why not
               for me?
                   I explained to him that I wanted to set my own standard. I
               didn’t want to build just another skyscraper; I wanted the most

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