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T R U M P  1 0 1 :  T H E  WAY  T O  S U C C E S S

               positive, enthusiastic individual you see on television and in the
               media isn’t a facade. I really am that way, from inside out. I have
               big ideas and the energy to follow them through. When people
               work with me, they quickly catch on; they realize that this is who
               I am and how I, and my organization, operate. My energy and
               positive attitude become contagious. People work enthusiastically,
               tirelessly, and determinedly and do terrific jobs. Everyone knows
               that the Trump Organization gets things done and that our proj-
               ects are always first class. A big reason for this level of success is
               that I set a standard that everyone works to meet.
                   If you like to work hard, hard workers will want to work with
               you. The people who work with me enjoy the daily challenges
               and set their own high standards for their tasks. As they work,
               they constantly ask, “How can we accomplish more? How can we
               get to the top?”

                   Ask yourself, “What is the standard for which I want to be
                   known?” Identify that standard and follow it. Don’t shortchange
                   yourself. Set the bar high!
                                                        —Donald  J. Trump

                                   M A K E I T H A P P E N I N Y O U R L I F E

                  Take the time to be thorough in whatever you undertake.
                  Remain open to new ideas and influences. Remain fluid, not
                  fixed, in your expectations.

                  • Find out who and what is the best in your field. Identify
                    the trendsetters, leaders, and authorities. What are the
                    reasons they’re the best? Learn the standards they follow.

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