Page 53 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 53


                               Y O U’ R E F I R E D!

                    Words     no   one   wa nt s  to  hea r—or      s a y

                     espite all I’ve accomplished, all the projects I’ve devel-
               Doped, and the amazing organization I’ve built, it’s ironic
               that I’m most known for the phrase, “You’re fired!” It shows
               the power of television. Total strangers walk up, point their fin-
               gers at me, cock them sharply, and say, “You’re fired!” Then
               they laugh like crazy and announce to their companions, “I just
               fired the Donald.”
                   I’m delighted to give them a good laugh and to know that
               they watch The Apprentice. I’ve also come to terms with being so
               closely identified with a phrase that no one likes to hear or say.
                   Firing anyone, even the worst, most unpleasant, inept
               jerk, isn’t fun. It can also be very disruptive to your business.
               Making the decision to fire an employee can be agonizing,
               and actually firing the worker can be tough to carry out.

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