Page 71 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 71


                   P E R S O N A L I Z E Y O U R P I T C H

                          K no w   who   you’re    a dd re ssing

                     now who you’re talking to and where he or she is coming
               K from. Whether you’re involved in negotiations, war, public
               speaking, or merely socializing, learn about the person across
               from you and find out what he or she wants so that you can build
               a better relationship.
                   Frequently, people are so involved in trying to get what they
               want that they don’t think of anyone other than themselves.
               They’re so overcome with the brilliance of their idea that they
               ignore other people’s needs and objectives and don’t successfully
                   At every level, relationships are built on listening, connec-
               tions, common interests, and experiences. It is essential to be able
               to read your audience, whether that audience consists of a couple
               of people in your office or 40,000 in an amphitheater listening to
               you speak. The challenge is to find common ground.

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