Page 73 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 73

T R U M P  1 0 1 :  T H E  WAY  T O  S U C C E S S

               partner who interviewed him also happened to be a musicologist
               and knew how much discipline it took to earn a music degree.
               The fact that they both were devoted to music provided them
               with a common bond that could help them work better together.

                        GET THE AUDIENCE’S ATTENTION

               Comedians and top public speakers are experts at sizing up an
               audience and personalizing their pitch. Comedians usually start
               by saying something that relates specifically to the group they are
               performing for. They immediately capture the audience’s atten-
               tion and create a bond; audiences think of the comedian as a
               member of the group. At that point, the audience likes the come-
               dian, is attentive, and buys into what he or she says.
                   Determine what you have in common with anyone you deal
               with and lead with it. If you take the time, you can create a bond
               that didn’t previously exist. For example, if you get stuck in traffic
               on the way to an event, chances are others will have had this
               experience also. Most everyone from billionaires to struggling
               single moms or students have been forced to sit idly in traffic
               jams. If you open with a comment about the awful traffic, you
               may see a room full of people vigorously nodding their heads in
                   Smart businesspeople prepare for every situation; they do
               their homework by analyzing the market, knowing who their buy-
               ers are, and personalizing their pitch. That’s the way to the top.
                   After I spoke to an audience of more than 40,000 people, a
               member of my staff asked me if addressing such a large group
               made me nervous. I answered no because I went on stage know-
               ing who I would be addressing and I was fully prepared to interest
               them. I had investigated who would be in the audience, what they

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