Page 76 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 76


                           S U R R O U N D Y O U R S E L F

                                    W I T H B E A U T Y

                         Enha nce      e ve r y  as pec t  of  your i fe

                       veryone knows how important beauty is to me. I always try
                   Eto have it in my life. I hire the best people, find the most fab-
                   ulous locations, and use the finest materials to make sure that
                   every project I undertake is truly exceptional. Being surrounded
                   by beauty makes me feel great; it enhances every part of my life,
                   and I deserve it.
                       Beauty and elegance, whether in a woman, a building, or
                   a work of art, is not just superficial or something pretty to see.
                   Beauty and elegance are products of personal style that come
                   from deep within. No matter how hard you try, you cannot
                   buy style. It has an intrinsic value, and for me, style and success
                   are completely interwoven. I wouldn’t want to have one without
                   the other.

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