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Star t  Y our Own Business

                    Competitive   Where will your competitive advantages
                    advantages   come from (e.g., product/service uniqueness,
                    and          lowest cost provider, entry into an untapped
                    differentiators  market niche, strong customer relationships,
                                 access to channels of distribution, unique
                                 competencies, proprietary know-how,
                                 barriers to future competitor threats, fi rst
                                 mover advantage)?
                                 Do you have an opportunity based on
                                 inexorable trends, such as global market
                                 expansion, energy shortages, disruptive
                                 technology, new business methodology, the
                                 disruption of your competitors through the
                                 application of information technology,
                                 channels of outsourcing, resource short-
                                 ages, or others?

                    Fatal Flaws   Are there particular defects in your business
                    (defects that   that cannot be surmounted—overpowering
                    cannot be    competition, cost of market entry, small size
                    changed)     of market, lack of customer need/want,
                                 inability to deliver products and services at
                                 acceptable prices, or others?

                   *Note: A blank version of this exhibit can be downloaded from
                   wealthbuilding101 for your personal use.

                        This is an important checklist. Pause here. Mark this page and put each
                   one of your ideas and potential opportunities through this checklist. Reach a
                   Go/No-Go decision.

                               Step 3: Develop an Effective Executive Summary

                     Once you have identified a bona fide opportunity, you are on your way. No
                   journey of any consequence, however, begins without a plan; the same applies
                   to starting and operating a business. If you want to get where you intend to
                   go, you need a road map. Without it, the outcome of all your labors will be
                   strictly random—and probably disappointing. Generally a business plan is a
                   lengthy document and the product of a great deal of research and effort. At
                   this point, however, you don’t need a complete business plan; a mini-plan or
                   Executive Summary is enough. Here is an example of an effective Executive
                   Summary for The Beading Café, excerpted from my book,  Trump University
                   Entrepreneurship 101  (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2007).


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