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Mindset for success (continued) Negotiating:
changing habits, 13–14 buying your own business, 111,
controlling your thoughts and 117–119
emotions, 16 skills, 3, 8–9, 90
differences between millionaires and Noncompete issues, in buying a
paupers, 14–16 business, 118
Psycho Neuro Duplication, 13
stories people tell themselves that Opportunity(ies):
prevent them from becoming lack of, as obstacle to
rich, 58–59, 78 entrepreneurship, 94
taking action in present moment, Opportunity Screening Checklist, 98
17–19 selecting most promising, 96,
using right tools, 17 99–101
work-hard-get-ahead mindset as
hindrance, 15 Partnership(s):
Minimum wage activities, general, 206, 221
eliminating, 14–15 limited, 206, 222, 223
Mitchell, Thomas (The Commercial Passion, 3, 4, 9
Lease Guide Book), 160 Passive income, 204
Mobile home parks, 161–162 Paying yourself first, 57, 58–62
Money magazine, 132–133 PEP (Proactive, Energetic, and
Money market funds, 189 Purposeful) approach to idea
Monthly credit card payments, generation, 98
committing 10 percent of gross Performance, life as, 8
income to, 68–69 Personal alterations, 26–27
Monthly expenses, tracking, 40, Personal blueprint, 4
41–42, 63 Personal Monthly Financial
Monthly investment, automatic, Statement, downloadable,
58–59, 62–63 40, 41–42
Morningstar, 180, 186 Personal potential, realizing (in
Mortgage(s): entrepreneurship), 87, 96
paying off faster, 44 Persuasion equation (fi ve steps),
refi nancing, 68 27–28
second, 68 Planning proactively, for asset
securities, 179–180 protection, 227
Municipal bonds, 178–179 Plan setting, 20, 24–27
Mutual funds. See also Investing/saving action versus production
for retirement quotas, 25–26
bonds, 179–180 chunking it down, 25
equity favorites, 193 goal versus plans, 25
investor comfort category and, 60 personal alterations, 26–27
load/no-load, 176 planning high, 25
sales agents, 46 putting vision on paper, 25
selecting, 175–176 reading plan every day
obsessively, 27
National Association of Personal Portfolio income, tax strategies, 204
Advisors (NAPFA) web site, 53 Portfolio management, 181–193
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