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asset allocation, 164, 182–185 designing lease for target
diversification in stocks/bonds, market, 147
185–187 Real Estate Investor Self-Assessment
favorite equity mutual funds in (downloadable), 149–150
major U.S. categories, 193 requiring rent on time, every time,
global investments, 187–188 148–149
life situations, and investment retaining top-flight tenants, 148
styles, 190–192 verifying before buying, 146
model portfolio samples, 192 working to increase rent
Morningstar nine-box grids revenues, 149
(stock/bonds), 186 Property portfolio. See Real estate
real estate investment and, 164 investment
rebalancing, 184 Psycho Neuro Duplication
risk and, 183, 186–187 technique, 13
risk-free savings, 183
risk tolerance, 183 Rapport/trust, 27
stock categories (value, growth, Rates of return, automatic investor,
blend), 186 58, 62–63
time horizon and, 183, 189–190 Rational/irrational markets, 170
time lines, 183, 189–190 Real estate agents, 53
Portman, Janet (and Steingold; How Real estate attorneys, 51
to Negotiate Leases for Your Real estate investment:
Small Business), 160 benefi ts, 127–139
Preventive maintenance, 148 amortization, wealth from,
Price, business purchase: 131–132
allocation of, 123 appreciation, wealth from,
negotiating, 118 133–136
Pricing your business’s product, 108 equity, instant, 137
Priorities: income fl ow, 128–130
asset protection objectives, 227 income tax advantages, 138
management, 20, 23–24 inflation, wealth from, 132–133
rehearsing true, 36 leverage, 130–133
Probate: liquidity, optimal, 137–138
avoidance with Revocable Living portfolio diversifi cation, 138–139
Trust, 213–215 strategic management, 136–137
problems caused by, 214 CPI versus Dow Jones, 134
Problem solving skills, 90 diversification, 138–139, 164
Professionals. See Financial advisors historical perspective, residential
Promissory note, 122 properties undervalued, 127–128
Property management, 146–159 Trump’s first success, 6, 7
action steps (eight), 146 Real estate investment alternatives,
attracting top-flight tenants, 147 151–164
commercial properties, 158 alternatives (list), 151–152
companies, 154 commercial properties, 157–160
crafting winning value proposition, emerging growth areas, 154–156
146–147 emerging retirement/second home
creating flawless move-in, 147–148 areas, 156–157
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