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                   Tenant(s):                        Trump University at 40 Wall Street,
                     attracting/retaining quality, 147–148  5–6
                     as property managers, 154       Trust(s):
                   Term insurance, 51, 52             Charitable Remainder Trusts
                   Thinking big, 3, 5                    (CRTs), 215
                   Thinking rich (unleashing your “Inner   Irrevocable Life Insurance
                      Trump”), 1                         Trusts, 216
                   Thinking rich                      living trusts, assets that
                     building wealth the Trump way, 3–11  belong in, 223
                     developing mindset for success,   real estate investment trusts
                        12–19                            (REITs), 162–163
                     learning millionaire habits, 20–28  Revocable Living Trusts, 213–215
                   Thoroughness, 3, 6–7               Spendthrift Trusts, 215–216
                   Thoughts/emotions, controlling,   Trusted team, building, 48–50. See also
                      16, 170                           Financial advisors
                   Time:                             Trust/rapport, gaining, 27
                     eliminating minimum wage        Trying Game, Edison’s, 92–93,
                        activities, 14–15               94, 95
                     horizon, and portfolio management,
                        183, 189–190                 Undervalued companies, as stock
                     management (see Priorities)        opportunity, 174
                     upgrading value of, 15          Unstoppable, being, 90
                   Tools:                            Unused/underutilized space, 143
                     Abraham Lincoln’s ax-sharpening   U.S. Treasury securities, 140, 178, 190
                        advice, 14
                     using right, 17                 Vacation homes, 157
                   Trade publications, 113–114       Valuation of a business, 111,
                   Trading for a living, two major      116–117
                      pitfalls, 61                   Value investing, 186, 193
                   Training, issue in negotiating business   Value proposition, crafting winning,
                      purchase, 119                     146–147
                   Travel:                           Value of time, upgrading, 15
                     commercial versus private, 22–23  Vanguard’s Index 500 Fund, 60
                     reducing expenses with research, 80  Virgin Atlantic Airways, 19
                   Trends, identifying, 98, 174      Vision:
                   Trump, Donald J.:                  believing in yourself, 37
                     Apprentice, The, 6, 7, 10        bold, 90
                     on building wealth (see Wealth-  financial vision statement, 31–38

                        building the Trump way)         difference, financial goal versus
                     mentioned, 24, 27, 37, 49, 50         financial vision, 32

                     as own best branding asset, 11     downloadable exhibit, 33–34
                     “You’re Fired,” 50                 goal to get debt-free, 32
                   Trump International Hotel & Tower    rehearsing true priorities, 36
                      in Las Vegas, 10                  surrounding yourself with
                   Trump Place, 4                          supportive people, 37–38
                   Trump Tower, 11                      verbalizing briefl y, 35–36


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