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Real estate investment repositioning property more
alternatives (continued) profi tably, 144
lower priced areas, 152–154 strengthening/maintaining
property management borrower profile, 144, 146
companies, 154 Real estate investment trusts (REITs),
tenant-assisted management, 154 162–163
mobile home parks, 161–162 Real Estate Investor Self-Assessment
self-storage, 160–161 (downloadable), 149–150
stocks related to: Real Estate Wealth Calculator, 134
homebuilders, 163–164 Rebalancing portfolio, 184
mortgage companies, 163–164 Recordkeeping, 226
real estate investment trusts Reinvesting investment returns,
(REITs), 162–163 57–58, 62
zoning, profi table possibilities REITs. See Real estate investment
with, 162 trusts (REITs)
Real estate investment in residential Resistance, meeting, 27
properties, 140–150 Resources:
education preceding success, lack of, as obstacle to
142–150 entrepreneurship, 93
losses due to people not property, mobilizing, 91, 97, 107
141–142 Responsibility, financial, 58, 64
national median price for single- Retirement. See Investing/saving for
family houses, 135, 141, 142 retirement
stocks versus, 141 Retirement/second home areas, as real
strategy of maximizing returns estate investment, 156–157
through strategic management, Revocable Living Trust, 213–215
146–159 Risk:
action steps (eight), 146 buying a business and, 120
attracting top-flight tenants, 147 controlling, 92, 169–170
commercial properties, 158 Gordon’s 1-in-5,000 rule, 95
companies, 154 minimal tolerance for, as obstacle to
crafting winning value entrepreneurship, 95
proposition, 146–147 portfolio management and, 183,
creating fl awless move-in, 186–187
147–148 returns/rewards and, 51, 140
designing lease for target market, 147 risk-free savings, 183
requiring rent on time, every time, wealth building and, 3, 7–8, 16
retaining top-flight tenants, 148 Sales funnel, 108
verifying before buying, 146 S corporations, 206–207, 222
working to increase rent Seasonal rentals, 157
revenues, 149 Section 1031 exchanges, 204
strategy of paying less than property Securities Exchange Commission
is worth, 143–146 (SEC), conventional wisdom, 185
buying at bargain price, 144–145 Self-confidence, lack of, 94, 95
fi nding unused/underutilized Self-storage, 160–161
space, 143 Self-worth, size of bank
improving aesthetics, 143–144 account and, 21
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