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                   Seller fi nancing, 120             Stockbrokers, 53, 60, 61, 180
                   Senior discounts, 81              Stock market. See also Investing/saving
                   Seven practices of the rich. See     for retirement:
                      Wealth-building by adopting     Dow Jones tumble
                      seven practices of the rich        (October 1987), 182
                   Showmanship, 8                     historical perspective on stock price
                   Silver State Helicopters, 18–19       gains, 139
                   Skills needed for entrepreneurship,    “Stories” people tell themselves that
                      16–19, 89–91                      prevent them from becoming rich,
                     acting decisively, in present moment,   58–59, 78
                        17–19, 91                    Supplier concentration issues, in
                     assessing present situation, 89–90  buying a business, 118
                     behaving with integrity, 91     Supportive people, surrounding
                     being unstoppable, 90              yourself with, 37–38
                     brainstorming, 90–91
                     communication, 91               Takeover candidates, 174
                     controlling thoughts/emotions, 16  Taxes, 197–208
                     decision making, 90              benefits of entrepreneurship, 88

                     going after bold visions, 90     federal income tax, 201
                     negotiating fi rmly and           Federal Insurance Contributions
                        win-winly, 90                    Act (FICA), 201
                     problem solving, 90              income types, 203–204
                     resource mobilization, 91          deferred, 204–205
                     using right tools, 17              earned, 204
                   Small Business Administration        passive, 204
                      (SBA), 119, 124                   portfolio, 204
                   Social Security Administration, 201, 218  tax-free, 205
                   Sole proprietorships, 86, 221      Medicare, 201
                   Spendthrift Trust, 215–216         planning (fi ctitious example),
                   Spiritual health, 20, 21, 33          202–203

                   Spouse/significant other, fi nancial   quiz, downloadable, 198–200
                      planning advice from, 49        Social Security, 201
                   Starting a business, 96–109        sources of information, 208
                     business identity, 96, 105       state income tax, 201–202
                     capturing first magic customer,   strategy implementation, 207–208

                        97, 108–109                     benefi ts, 205–207
                     executive summary, 101–105         C corporations, 207
                     fi nancing, 93–94                   general partners, 206
                     milestone charts, 96, 106          individuals, 205–206
                     mobilizing resources, 97, 107      limited liability corporations, 207
                     searching for business ideas, 96,   limited partners, 206
                        97–99                           S corporation shareholders,
                     selecting most promising              206–207
                          opportunity, 96, 99–101     taxable versus tax-free yields, 179
                   State income tax, 201–202          tax-efficient advantage of ETFs, 176

                   Steingold, Fred (Portman and;      transfer taxes/bulk sales taxes, 123
                      How to Negotiate Leases for Your   types of, 200–201
                      Small Business), 160           Tenacity, 3, 4–5


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