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Develop a Mindset for Success

                       The right financial habits can help you do that. In my seminars, I teach a

                   technique I developed called “Psycho Neuro Duplication.” Simply put, by
                   thinking the way someone successful thinks, and then doing what they do,
                   you will produce a similar result. It’s a simple process, but one that demands

                   discipline. When you think the way an active, fit person thinks and then do

                   what they do, you’ll become active and fit, too. It’s the same with the fi nancial
                   habits that can make you wealthy.
                       By my definition, anyone who isn’t earning a million dollars a year joy-

                   fully is a pauper. If hearing that makes you uneasy, or even angry, I’m glad.
                   That reaction may push you to change your beliefs and actions so you fi nally
                   can stop struggling with money. I can almost hear you saying, “That’s easy for

                   you to say, Marshall, as you drive around in your Rolls Royce and fly in a pri-
                   vate jet. You don’t know what it’s like to be kicked out of your apartment for
                   not being able to pay the rent.”
                       Actually, I do know what it’s like, which is why I’m the perfect person
                   to teach you about wealth. I was born and raised on a farm in Michigan with
                   no running water, no electricity, and often, little, and sometimes, no food.

                     After my first home was condemned, my second home was a converted
                   chicken coop. Other than making me very grateful for my humble roots, the
                   only other side effect is that I tend to cluck when I get nervous (only
                       My humble beginnings helped me see things differently. At the age of seven,
                   I saw quite clearly that we were the poorest family in my community. Everyone
                   else had more than my family, and many families made a lot of money. I knew
                   they weren’t smarter than me, or more creative, harder working, or better look-
                   ing. I saw that they did things differently. They held different beliefs about life,
                   and they took different actions. The biggest difference? They focused on mak-
                   ing money, not holding onto it so tightly out of fear of the unknown.
                       If all of the money in the world was divided evenly among all of the peo-

                   ple, within five years it would be right back in the same hands again. Why?
                   People who know how to make money would keep making money, and hard-
                   working, positive, motivated, intelligent people would stay poor, and for the
                   same reason—because of their habits. They would simply squander the extra
                   money and end up where they started. This is the reason so many people who
                   receive a windfall of cash end up worse off than before they received it. They
                   simply don’t know how to live wealthy.
                       Let’s start talking about how you can change the habits that keep you
                   poor and, instead, adopt the “millionaire mindset” that will transform your
                   life and make you wealthy. There are three big differences.


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