Page 5 - Trump’s Time №1
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Trump’s Time                                           POLITICS                                    5

          has been delayed for a              law as a senior White
          variety  of  reasons                House advisor.                        Greenblatt  has  said
          over  the  past  18                                                     U.S.  negotiators
          months, has two major                 Arab  officials  and              expect  Israelis  and

          components.                         analysts  believe  the              Palestinians  will  both
                                              plan  is  likely  to  be            be  critical  of  some
           It has a political piece           decidedly  pro-Israel               parts of the plan.
          that  addresses
          core  issues  such         ·White  House  senior  advisor                       Asked  about
          as  the  status  of        Jared Kushner has been working                     I s r a e l i   P r i m e
          Jerusalem,  and            on a Middle East peace plan for                    Minister Benjamin
          an economic part                                                              Netanyahu's  vow
          that  aims  to  help       some two years and is expected to                  to  annex  Israeli

          the  Palestinians          unveil his proposals in June after                 settlements in the
          strengthen  their          the  Muslim  fasting  month  of                    W e s t   B a n k ,
          economy.                   Ramadan.                                           Kushner  said
                                                                                        once a new Israeli
           Kushner,  who  ·The  proposal  will  be  a  “good                            government  has
          h a s   b e e n   starting  point”  to  address  the                          settled  in,  “we'll
          developing  the  Israeli-Palestinian  conflict,  says                         have discussion.”
          plan  with  Middle         Kushner, who is married to U.S.                    Netanyahu  was
          East envoy Jason           President  Donald  Trump's                         t a s k e d   w i t h
          Greenblatt,  has           daughter Ivanka.                                   forming  a  new
          said the proposal                                                             government  after
          is not an effort to        ·The  proposal  has  a  political                  his success in the

          impose  U.S.  will         component  that  addresses  core                   April 9 elections.
          on the region. He          issues  such  as  the  status  of
          has  not  said                                                                  “I  hope  both
          whether it calls for       Jerusalem, and an economic part                    sides  will  take  a
          a   t w o - s t a t e      that aims to help the Palestinians                 real look at it, the
          solution, a goal of        strengthen their economy.                          Israeli  side  and
          p a s t   p e a c e                                                           the  Palestinian
          efforts.                                                                      side,  before  any
                                              since  the  Trump                   unilateral  steps  are

           Palestinians  have                 administration  has                 made,” Kushner said,
          voiced  skepticism                  taken  a  tough  line               adding  he  had  not
          about the effort led by             toward  Palestinians,               discussed the issue of
          Trump's  son-in-law,                cutting  off  aid  and              settlement annexation
          who was a real estate               ordering  the  PLO's                with Netanyahu.
          developer  before                   office  in  Washington
          joining  his  father-in-            shut.
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