Page 9 - Trump’s Time №1
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Trump’s Time ENÒERTAINMENT                                                                         9

           Kendall Jenner stars in the 'Jump In' Pepsi commercial that was pulled from TV in 2017. (Pepsi)

                      Kendall Jenner responds to accusations she

                             photoshopped Black Lives Matter pic

                                         By Melissa Roberto | Fox News
          Kendall  Jenner  has  responded  to  accusations  she

          photoshopped a picture of herself holding a Black Lives
          Matter  sign  amid  protests  around  the  country.  The  24-

          year-old  model  took  to  her  Twitter  to  set  the  record

          straight after days of critical remarks from her followers

           "this  is  photo-                    The pic in question                 She  is  holding  a

          s h o p p e d   b y                 s h o w s   J e n n e r             sign  that  reads
          someone. i DID NOT                  donning a black crop                " B L A C K   L I V E S
          post  this,"  the  E!               top  and  black  pants              MATTER" and many
          reality  star  wrote  in            standing outside with               c l a i m e d   t h a t ,

          response  to  a  user               her  arms  up  above                because  there  was
          who shared the fake                 her head.                           "no  shadow"  of  the
          photo.                                                                  sign behind her, she
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