Page 8 - Trump’s Time №1
P. 8

8 ENÒERTAINMENT                                                  Trump’s Time

           This good news is that             (1942).  We  can't  have            Jeffersons,  Married
          this too shall pass…                Ilsa referring to Sam as            With Children, Sanford
                                              “Boy.”                              and  Son,  Soap,  All  In
           Need I remind you this                                                 the  Family,  and  every
          all  began  with  Oscar-              Goodbye  Holiday  Inn             one  of  Woody  Allen's
          winner  screenwriter                (1942).  We  can't  have            films…
          John  Ridley's  list  of            Bing Crosby singing in
          demands.  It  was  his              blackface.                            And  let's  not  forget
          L.A. Times editorial that                                               C o p s ,   w h i c h   h a s
          blackmailed  HBO  Max                 Goodbye  High  Sierra             a l r e a d y   b e e n
          into  blacklisting  a               (1941).  We  can't  have            blacklisted,  along  with
          classic  73  percent  of            Willie  Best  doing  the            Song of the South.
          black  people  love.                minstrel.
          Here's  his  list  of  his                                                Buy hard copies of the
          deliberately  vague                   G o o d b y e   A n i m a l       art  you  love  —  books,
          blackmail  demands…                 House (1978). We can't              movies,  TV,  music  —
          [emphasis added]                    have  the  black  bar               because it is all about to
                                              scene  (that  Richard               quietly  and  not-so-
           …all content providers             P r y o r   p e r s o n a l l y     quietly disappear.
          look  at  their  libraries          approved of).
          and make a good-faith                                                     Purchasing  a  digital
          effort  to  separate                  Goodbye Lenny Bruce               copy  is  not  enough.
          programming that might              and George Carlin and               Fascists  like  Amazon
          be  lacking  in  its                M*A*S*H and  You Only               will either delete entirely
          representation  from                Live  Twice  and  Big               or desecrate your digital
          that which is blatant in            Trouble  In  Little  China          copies with censorship.
          its demonization.                   and  Silver  Streak  and
                                              Cotton  Comes  to                     No  content  is  safe
           He adds:                           Harlem  and  Car  Wash              because no content can
                                              and  Pulp  Fiction  and             m e e t   t h e   W o k e
           It  doesn't  just  “fall           Billy  Madison  and                 Ta l i b a n ' s   l i s t   o f
          short”  with  regard  to            Treasure  of  the  Sierra           demands,  which  is  by
          representation.  It  is  a          Madre and Driving Miss              design…
          film  that  glorifies  the          Daisy and Black Hawk
          antebellum south. It is a           Down  and  True  Lies                 You see, it's all about
          film that, when it is not           and The Green Mile and              terrorizing  us  with
          ignoring  the  horrors  of          B l a z i n g   S a d d l e s ,     Kafka-esque  rules,
         slavery, pauses only to              Scarface,  Sixteen                  which means there are
         perpetuate some of the               Candles,  Soul  Man,                no rules, which means
         m o s t   p a i n f u l              Breakfast  at  Tiffany's,           we're always terrorized
         stereotypes of people of             The  Good  Earth,  The              and therefore timid.
         color.                               Good, the Bad, and the
                                              Ugly,  Loony  Tunes,                  This is not a drill.
           Goodbye Casablanca                 S e i n f e l d ,   T h e
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