Page 7 - Trump’s Time №1
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Trump’s Time ENÒERTAINMENT                                                                         7

          Bradbury,  Fahrenheit                 First  Gone  With  the            same as claiming these
          451                                 Wind, which is still the            p r e j u d i c e s   n e v e r
                                              most  popular  and                  existed.  If  we  are  to
           Anyway…                            financially  successful             create  a  more  just,
                                              movie  ever  made,  will            equitable and inclusive
           Toldjaso.                          be blacklisted by HBO.              future,  we  must  first
                                              Then  the  network                  a c k n o w l e d g e   a n d
           Come  on,  I  did  tell            promises its return, but            understand our history.”
          you… I told you so last             only  after  it's  been
          week,  I  told  you  so             desecrated:                           So  Gone  With  the
          years  ago,  and  this  is                                              Wind will return after it's
          going to get a lot worse              “'Gone With The Wind'             been vandalized with a
          before it gets better.              is a product of its time            filmed  introduction  of
                                              and depicts some of the             the  “correct”  people
           The Woke Taliban are               ethnic  and  racial                 instructing us on how to
          l i t e r a l l y   t o p p l i n g    prejudices  that  have,          “ c o r r e c t l y ”   v i e w,
          s t a t u e s ,   l i t e r a l l y    unfortunately,  been             e x p e r i e n c e ,   a n d
          r e w r i t i n g   h i s t o r y ,    c o m m o n p l a c e   i n      interpret  this  piece  of
          literally  creating  their          American  society.                  art. And  let  me  assure
          own  caliphate,  literally          These racist depictions             you  HBO  Max  will  not
          renaming  streets,                  were  wrong  then  and              allow  you  to  fast-
          literally  forcing  people          are  wrong  today,  and             forward  through  this
          to  their  knees,  so  of           we felt that to keep this           tutorial  on  how  to
          course  the  destruction            title  up  without  an              interpret art. Like those
          and desecration of art is           explanation  and  a                 c o m m e r c i a l s   y o u
          part and parcel.                    denouncement of those               cannot  skip  over,  you
                                              depictions  would  be               will  be  forced  to  sit
           Every record has been              irresponsible,” an HBO              through it.
          destroyed  or  falsified,           Max spokesperson told
          every  book  rewritten,             V a r i e t y .   “ T h e s e         In  other  words,  when
          every picture has been              depictions are certainly            HBO  Max  says  the
          repainted, every statue             c o u n t e r            t o        m o v i e   w i l l   b e
         and street building has              WarnerMedia's  values,              “presented  as  it  was
         been  renamed,  every                so when we return the               originally  created,”
         date has been altered.               film to HBO Max, it will            that's a lie. It now will be
         And  the  process  is                r e t u r n   w i t h   a     presented with a tutorial
         continuing  day  by  day             d i s c u s s i o n   o f   i t s    telling  you  how  to  feel
         and  minute  by  minute.             historical context and a            (guilt,  shame,  anger)
         History  has  stopped.               denouncement of those               about what you're about
         Nothing  exists  except              very depictions, but will           to watch.
         an  endless  present  in             be presented as it was
         which  the  Party  is                originally  created,                  The bad news is this is
         always right. ?  George              b e c a u s e   t o   d o           only the beginning…
         Orwell, 1984                         otherwise would be the
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