Page 10 - Trump’s Time №1
P. 10

10 ENÒERTAINMENT                                                 Trump’s Time

          was  the  one  who                    Fans  mocked  the                 never  personally
          edited it in.                       "Keeping Up with the                understand  the  fear

                                              Kardashians" star by                and  pain  that  the
           It's the second time               r e c r e a t i n g   t h e         black community go
          this week Jenner has                commercial  and                     through  on  a  daily

          been  involved  in  a               posting  their  own                 basis, but I know that
          c o n t r o v e r s y               p i c t u r e s   o f               nobody should have
          surrounding  the                    themselves  offering                to  live  in  constant
          death  of  George                   police  officers  a                 fear,"  she  wrote  on
          Floyd and the many                  P e p s i .   O t h e r s           Instagram.

          protests  that  have                s a r c a s t i c a l l y
          been ignited around                 commented  that                       Jenner  went  on  to
          the nation since.                   Jenner's Pepsi stunt                say  that  "raging  on
                                              did  not  bring  peace              platforms"  is  not

           Earlier in the week,               t o   t h e   c u r r e n t         enough to "repair the
          Jenner  was  ripped                 protests  and  went                 system.”
          by fans for her past                after her for keeping
          involvement  with                   "silent.”                             "We  need  to  take
          Pepsi's  2017  "Jump                                                    real  action,  off  of

          In"  commercial  that                 However,  on  June                social media. this is a
          was pulled from TV.                 1,  Jenner  wrote  a                time  to  have  those
                                              lengthy  caption  on                u n c o m f o r t a b l e

           In  the  ad,  Jenner               Instagram about the                 conversations  with
          throws off her blonde               devastating events.                 people  and  mainly
          wig  and  smears                                                        with  ourselves.  we
          away  her  lipstick                   " t o   e v e r y o n e           must also make sure
          before  joining  a                  reading  this  and  to              we are ready to vote

          protest  of  activists              m y s e l f :   k e e p             when the time comes
          holding  banners                    researching, reading                to  elect  the  right
          featuring  the  peace               a n d   e d u c a t i n g           people  into  office.
          sign. But rather than               yourself  on  how  we               the one truth that will

          protesting, she takes               can  become  better                 always  ring  loudest
          a  Pepsi  can  and                  allies.  I've  been                 is that BLACK LIVES
          hands  it  over  to  a              doing a lot of thinking             M A T T E R .   r e s t
          police  officer  as  a              these past few days                 peacefully  George
          peace offering while                and  my  heart  has                 Floyd and all victims

          the  crowd  cheers                  been  so  heavy.  I'm               of  this  horrible
          behind her. The cop                 angry  and  hurt  just              i n j u s t i c e , "   s h e
          smiled in response.                 like  so  many.  I  will            concluded.
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