Page 15 - Journal_2
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Trump’s Time ELECTION FRAUD 15
partially confirms the story simultaneously halted in the Lewis Eisenberg, former
regarding the US special middle of the night, when in member of Goldman Sachs
forces raid to recover Italy was already morning. and contributor to the first
Dominion's servers hosted Trump campaign but at the
in the CIA Frankfurt station. The hacking operation was same time close to the
i n c o u r s e , b u t t h e neocon Zionist lobbies
Other sources confirmed perpetrators realized that which are bitter enemies of
the authenticity of the story there was something the President for his
and apparently the raid was wrong. ongoing plan to withdraw
successful in retrieving the the US military in the Middle
servers, which constitute an “Trump was taking a record East.
irrefutable evidence of the number of votes” says
fraud. Johnson, and the switching Johnson claims that during
of votes from Trump to the election night in the US
General Thomas McInerney Biden was not enough to Rome embassy there was a
claimed that after the raid a definitely deliver the m a n f r o m t h e U S
violent fight had ensued “victory” to the democratic department of State.
b e t w e e n t h e C I A candidate.
paramilitary called in from The former CIA agent
Afghanistan to defend the shows in the video the
station and the US special The US embassy in picture of this man,
forces group. apparently taken by the
Rome allegedly involved Italian authorities which
Five military members in the hacking attack w e r e c o n d u c t i n g a
would lose their lives in the At that point, Rome went on surveillance operation
harsh battle.
stage by receiving the data focused on this official.
Johnson offers another from Frankfurt, but a new This official would have
v e r s i o n , e v e n m o r e elaboration of algorithms been directly involved in the
shocking if possible. The was necessary to finally coordination of the hacking
former CIA agent doesn't change the outcome in attack.
deny this operation but he favor of Biden.
claims that the hacked data Therefore, the operation to
had been moved from recalibrate the hacking
Frankfurt to Rome, in the attack would have taken The role of Leonardo and
US embassy located in the place in via Veneto, and if the Italian government in
central street of via Veneto. the fraud
this fact were to be
According to Johnson, confirmed the American At this point, Johnson offers
Frankfurt servers only embassy in Rome would be a revelation even more
hosted partial tracks of the directly involved in an shocking.
hacking, but the real main attempt to overthrow its There is another actor that
protagonist of the attack President. played a crucial role in this
would have been Rome.
In this scenario, the o p e r a t i o n a n d i t i s
During the election day, s u b v e r s i v e p o w e r s Leonardo, an Italian
something unprecedented infiltrated in the US government company
in the history of US election government, the deep state, leader in the aerospace and
occurred. had planned a coup d'état defense sector.
against their commander in
Suddenly, the vote counting chief. At this moment, the Once that the hackers
in the key states was US ambassador in Italy is created the new algorithms