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12 ELECTION FRAUD                                               Trump’s Time

          c a s t   b a l l o t s   w i t h    Georgia,  just  0.2%,  that's      legislature. A judge can't do
          intentionally  incorrect            substantially less than 1%,         it.  A  state  can't  do  it.  An
          signatures, and eight of the        of mail-in ballots have been        official can't do it. The only
          nine ballots were accepted          rejected.  In  other  words,        one  that  can  do  it  is  the
          and counted. They said you          almost  none  have  been            legislature.
          could  sign  your  name  as         r e j e c t e d .   T h e y   t o o k    President Donald Trump:
          Santa  Claus,  and  it  would       everything.  Nothing  was           (40:33 ) The reason for this
          be accepted. Last week, the         rejected,  practically,             is  clear.  They  were  not
          Clark  County  Commission           compared to 6.4% in 2016.           v e r i f y i n g   s i g n a t u r e s
          threw  out  the  results  of  a     There  are  those  that  think      because  they  know  the
          local  election  after  the         that 6.4 was a low number.          ballots have not been filled
          registrar  reported  finding,       President Donald Trump:             out by the voters in whose
          quote,  “discrepancies  that        (39:36 )  Think  of  it. Almost     names  they  were  cast.  In
          we  can't  explain.”  Also  in      none  were  rejected.  The          other  words,  people  filled
          Nevada, some voters were            previous  election,  6.4%           them out that had nothing to
          entered into a raffle for more      were  rejected.  We  have           do  with  the  names  on  the
          than  a  dozen  gift  cards         seen  similar  declines  in         ballot. A  simple  recount  of
          worth  as  much  as  $250  if       Pennsylvania, Nevada, and           the  ballots  under  these
          they  could  prove  they  had       Michigan.  Ballots  weren't         c i r c u m s t a n c e s   o n l y
                                              rejected,  especially  if  they     compounds  the  fraud.  The
          President Donald Trump:             happen  to  be  in  Democrat        only  way  to  determine
          (38:42 ) This took place on         areas.  These  irregularities       whether  there  was  an
          Indian reservations. One of         are  inexplicable  unless           honest vote is to conduct a
          the  most  significant              there is a deliberate effort to     full review of the envelopes
          indications  of  widespread         accept  ineligible  ballots  or     in  the  relevant  states.  You
          fraud  is  the  extraordinarily     fraudulent ballots.                 will find that many of them,
          low rejection rates for mail-       President Donald Trump:             tens  of  thousands,  have
          in  ballots  in  many  key          (40:06 )  In  Pennsylvania,         fraudulent signatures. A full
          states. These are the states        the  secretary  of  state  and      forensic audit is required to
          that I had to win. In swing         the  state  supreme  court  in      ensure  that  only  legal
          state after swing state, the        e s s e n c e   a b o l i s h e d    ballots  from  lawfully
         number  of  ballots  rejected        signature  verification             registered voters that were
         has been dramatically lower          requirements  just  weeks           properly cast are included in
         than what would have been            prior  to  the  election,  in       the final count.
         expected  based  on  prior           violation of state law. You're      President Donald Trump:
         experience.  That  means             not allowed to do that. It has      (41:25  )  This  election  is
         years and years of voting. In
                                              to  be  approved  by  the           about  great  voter  fraud,
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