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Trump’s Time ELECTION FRAUD                                                                     11

          vote  straight  Democrat,           Democrats.                          counties  weeks  after  the
          while  accompanying  them           President Donald Trump:             election,  and  these  ballots
          to  watch  who  they  were          (35:02 )  In  Wisconsin,  a         were  mostly  from  Trump
          voting for, violating the law       record  number  of  voters          voters.  They  weren't
          and  the  sanctity  of  the         were  categorized  as               counted.  They  were  from
          secret  ballot.  You  can't  do     indefinitely  confined.  A          Trump voters.
          that. The same workers say          status reserved for severely        President Donald Trump:
          she  was  instructed  not  to       disabled  individuals,  also        ( 3 6 : 4 3  )   I n   D e t r o i t ,
          ask  for  any  ID  and  not  to     for  the  elderly  that  allow      e v e r y b o d y   s a w   t h e
          attempt  to  validate  any          them  to  vote  without             tremendous conflict and the
          signatures.  She  was  also         showing  ID.  Last  year,           horrible  way  that  the  two
          told  to  illegally  backdate       approximately  70,000               Republican  canvassers
          ballots, many, many ballots,        people  claimed  this  status       were  treated  so  horribly
          received after the deadline.        statewide.  This  year,  the        because they wouldn't vote
          This is something that is so        number  miraculously  was           when they saw that 71% of
          unconstitutional  and  she          nearly 250,000 voters, after        the precincts didn't balance.
          estimates  that  thousands          e l e c t i o n   o ff i c i a l s   i n    Also, there were more votes
          and  thousands  of  ballots         Milwaukee  and  Dane                than  there  were  voters.
          were improperly backdated           County, a couple of the most        Think of that. You had more
          by her and many others.
                                              corrupt  political  places  in      votes than you had voters.
          President Donald Trump:             our  country,  urged  citizens      That's an easy one to figure,
          (34:05 ) Other witnesses in         to improperly register under        and it's by the thousands. In
          Detroit also saw our election       this status. And register they      Arizona,  in-person  voters
          officials counting batches of       did in levels that don't exist.     whose  balanced  produced
          the  same  ballots  many            In  Wisconsin,  there  are          error  messages  from
          times,  as  well  as  illegally     approximately  70,000               tabulation  machines  were
          duplicating  ballots.  One          absentee ballots that do not        told  to  press  a  button  that
          observer testified to seeing        have  matching  ballot              resulted  in  their  votes  not
          boxes and boxes of ballots,         applications as required by         being  counted.  Also  in
          all  bearing  the  same             law  in  Georgia,  nine             Arizona,  the  attorney
         signature. Another observer          observers  have  testified  to      general  announced  that
         in  Detroit  gave  sworn             seeing  countless  irregular        mail-in  ballots  had  been
         testimony  that  he  saw             ballots without…                    stolen  from  mailboxes  and
         countless  and  valid  ballots       President Donald Trump:             hidden under a rock.
         that  did  not  belong  to           (36:03 )  Testified  to  seeing     President Donald Trump:
         properly  registered  voters         countless  irregular  ballots       (37:37 )  In  Clark  County,
         and then witnessed election          without  the  creases  or           Nevada, where most of the
         workers  in  Wayne  County           typical  markings  indicating       state's  voters  reside,  the
         entering  fake  birth  dates         that the ballots did not arrive     standards  for  matching  a
         into the system, in order to         in envelopes as required. A         s i g n a t u r e   u s i n g   t h e
         illegally  count  them.              poll  watcher  in  Fulton           signature  verification
         Witnesses of science wore            County  estimated  that             machine  were  intentionally
         an  affidavit,  so  in  other        approximately  98%  of  the         lowered  to  allow  large
         words, you go to jail if you         large  number  of  unusually        numbers  of  ballots  to  be
         lie,  testifying  that  after        pristine  ballots  that  she        counted  that  otherwise
         election officials announced         witnessed  were  for  Biden.        would  never  have  passed
         the last absentee votes had          Highly  unusual  number.  In        muster.  This  machine  was
         been  received,  a  batch  of        addition,  thousands  of            set  at  the  lowest  level.
         tens of thousands of ballots         uncounted  ballots  were            According to one report, in
         arrived,  many  without              discovered  in  Floyd,              order  to  test  the  process,
         envelopes,  all  voting  for
                                              Fayette,  and  Walton               nine voters in Clark County
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