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10 ELECTION FRAUD                                                Trump’s Time

          large  amounts  of  mail-in         And  irreversible  harm  that       Pennsylvania,  a  poll
          and  absentee  ballots  were        stains  the  entire  election,      w a t c h e r,   o v e r h e a r d
          processed  illegally.  And  in      yet  this  unprecedented            unregistered  voters  being
          secret,  in  Philadelphia,  in      practice  of  excluding  our        told to return later to try to
          Allegheny counties, without         o b s e r v e r s ,   o u r   v o t e    vote under a different name.
          our observers present. They         watchers,  as  some  people         Tens of thousands of voters
          were  not  allowed  to  be          call  them,  occurred  in           across  Pennsylvania  were
          present. In fact, they weren't      Democrat run cities and key         treated differently based on
          even  allowed  in  the  same        states all across the nation.       w h e t h e r   t h e y   w e r e
          room. They were thrown out          Here  are  just  some  of  the      Republicans, or Democrats.
          of  the  building  and  they        additional  facts  that  we've      Voters  who  submitted
          looked from outside in, but         uncovered. Many voters all          floored  ballots  in  some
          they  had  no  way  of  even        across  Pennsylvania                Democrat  precincts  were
          seeing, because there were          received  two  ballots  in  the     notified  and  asked  to  fix
          no  windows.  And  the              mail,  and  many  others            t h e i r   b a l l o t s ,   w h i l e
          windows  that  were  there          received  mail-in  ballots  for     Republican  precincts,  and
          w e r e   b o a r d e d   u p .     which  they  never  applied.        in  particular  Republican
          Democrats even went to the          So  many  get  ballots,  they       voters, were not so notified
          Pennsylvania  Supreme               didn't even know what they          which  plainly  violates  the
          Court  to  block  observers         were  for.  And  again,  so         Equal Protection Clause of
          from  receiving  access.            many  received  more  than          t h e   U n i t e d   S t a t e s
          There is only one possible          one ballot. In some cases,          Constitution.”If  you  are  a
          reason  that  the  corrupt          more than two ballots. And          Democrat, we're going to fix
          Democrat political machine          they happened to be, for the        up your ballot. make sure it's
          would oppose transparency           most part, Democrats.               p e r f e c t .   I f   y o u   a r e
          during the vote counting. It's      President Donald Trump:             Republican, don't even talk
          because they know they are          (32:22 )  In  Fayette  County,      about it.”
          hiding  illegal  activity.  It's    Pennsylvania,  multiple             President Donald Trump:
          very simple.
                                              voters received ballots that        (33:16  )  In  Michigan,  a
          President Donald Trump:             were already filled out. They       career employee of the city
          ( 3 1 : 3 2  )   T h i s   i s   a n    didn't know what happened.      of  Detroit,  with  the  city
         egregious,  inexcusable.             In  Montgomery  County,             workers, coaching voters to
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