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20 ELECTION FRAUD                                               Trump’s Time

          that  Hillary  Clinton  was         nuclear engineer, who had           overthrow Trump.
          fabricating  a  false  scandal      been  used  as  a  way  to
          to  depict  Trump  as  a            falsely  associate  Trump  to       In  other  words,  globalism
          “Russian stooge”.                   the Kremlin.                        h a s   c e r t a i n l y   u s e d
                                                                                  members of the Democratic
          The US institutions, such as        Basically,  the  Italian            party,  like  Obama,  to
          the  FBI  and  the  US              intelligence  would  have           coordinate  the  coup,  but
          intelligence community, had         tried  to  plant  Hillary           even  more  crucial  would
          a  major  role  in  this  plot      C l i n t o n ' s   e m a i l s   o n    have  been  the  subversive
          because they gave a green           Occhionero's US company,            power  of  the  Italian  deep
          light to the illegal espionage      Westlands Inc.                      state  deeply  eradicated  in
          against Trump.                                                          Italy's public institutions.
                                              Occhionero was chosen as
          Therefore,  it  is  not  far-       a patsy because he's quite          Italy's  incumbent  PM,
          f e t c h e d   t o   s a y   t h a t    close  to  the  American       Giuseppe  Conte,  would
          President  Obama  was  the          conservative  circles  that         have  been  perfectly
          mastermind behind the plan          endorsed  the  Trump                informed  of  this  operation
          to sabotage Donald Trump.           campaign.                           as “he is very engaged and
                                                                                  involved” claims Zack.
          At  the  same,  the  Spygate        H o w e v e r,   t h e   m o s t
          couldn't  take  place  without      surprising thing that ties this     And frankly, if this version is
          the  decisive  assistance  of       scandal  to  the  electoral         proven  right,  it  is  hard  to
          Italy.                              fraud is the relation between       think the contrary.
                                              Obama and Renzi.
          When  Obama  had  chosen                                                Leonardo  is  a  government
          to  authorize  the  illegal         Even after both of them left        company that has 30.2% of
          espionage  operation,  he           their  offices,  they  kept         its shares in the hands of the
          would  have  asked  for  the        working  to  orchestrate  a         Italian Ministry of Economy,
          help  of  the  former  Italian      sort  of  permanent  coup           the  minister  there  is  Mr.
          Prime Minister, Renzi.              d'état  against  Donald             Roberto  Gualtieri,  an  EU
                                              Trump.                              loyalist.
          The timing is very important
          in this matter. A month after                                           The  present  CEO  of
          Obama-Brennan's meeting,              Italy is the red thread           Leonardo,  Mr.  Profumo,
          the  then  former  Italian  PM        that connect Spygate              was appointed to his role in
          paid  a  visit  to  the  White         and the US electoral             April  2020  by  Conte  who
         House.                                           fraud                   basically  confirmed  the
                                                                                  choice  of  his  predecessor,
         If  Mrs.  Zack's  version  is        There's  a  red  thread  that       Paolo  Gentiloni,  former
         right, it was on that occasion       connects Spygate and this           Italian PM in 2017 and also
         that Obama ordered Renzi             red  thread  is  the  axis          apparently  involved  in  the
         to take part in the plan.            between the Italian and the         Spygate.
                                              US deep state, represented
         Renzi  would  have  agreed           in this case by Obama and           The black funds to finance
         by  involving  the  Italian          Renzi.                              this  plot  would  have  been
         secret  services  in  the                                                provided  by  Iran,  which
         espionage.                           This subversive plan would          would  have  financed
                                              have  never  stopped  and           Obama  with  400  million
         The  Italian  secret  services       would have continued until          dollars  to  direct  the
         would  have  conceived  a            November 2020 when both             operation.
         plan  to  set  up  Giulio            sides, the US and the Italian
         Occhionero,  an  Italian             operatives,  conspired  to          This  version  partially
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