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Trump’s Time ELECTION FRAUD                                                                    21

          confirms the role played by         participation  of  several          his  government,  Salvini
          Obama from 2017 onwards.            countries  and  globalist           formed  a  sort  of  axis  with
                                              governments,  such  as              Renzi  to  pave  the  way  for
          The  former  US  president          Canada,  Germany,  China,           another  technocratic
          ran an organization outside         Spain, and Italy.                   government, most probably
          Washington  DC,  which                                                  led by Mario Draghi.
          could be considered a sort          In other words, the globalist
          of  shadow  government  to          power has been used by the          The  system  in  Italy  has
          thwart Trump's presidency.          governments  that  are              been  silencing  those
                                              serving  the  New  World            scandals because they see
          According to other sources,         Order agenda to overthrow           the participation in them of
          Obama's  financers  would           Trump.                              both  the  majority  and  the
          have been Soros ONGs.                                                   opposition.

          However,  the  former                The Italian opposition is          However, as was explained
          Democratic  President  had               not exposing the               in the previous article, Italy
          been  simply  essential  to              scandal: the axis              is  essential  for  solving  the
          coordinate  the  whole                  between Renzi and               crime  of  the  US  election
          scheme  and  Italy  has                        Salvini                  fraud.
          provided its technology and
          its  government  operatives         Meanwhile,  in  Italy,  the         If someone wants to really
          to carry out this plot.             media  are  silent  both  on        understand what happened
                                              Spygate  and  Conte's               i n   t h i s   e l a b o r a t e
          The story of the US election        involvement in this scandal.        international  coup,  it  must
          fraud has basically been an         The  leader  of  the  Italian       look at Rome.
          international  coup  d'état         opposition,  Salvini,  is  not
          c o n c e i v e d   b y   t h e     denouncing them either.
          Washington deep state and
          a c t e d   t h r o u g h   t h e    Apparently, after the fall of
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