Page 22 - Journal_2
P. 22
22 ELECTION FRAUD Trump’s Time
Democrat election violations: (left to right) Secret ballot counting in Georgia, Secret ballot
deliveries at 3:30 AM in Detroit, Blocking observers from viewing inside the TCF Center
in Detroit
MUST READ: Democrats Were ONLY Able
to “Win” in 2020 By Breaking Chain of
By Jim and Joe Hofti | Published February 10, 2021
At midnight on election Trump was also ahead in This was an unprecedented
night, President Trump Georgia and Nevada. and coordinated move in
warned his supporters not US history. Then many
to let Democrats “find any And President Trump crimes occurred to swing
votes at 4 in the morning.” already trounced Joe Biden the election to Biden, but
in Ohio, Florida, and Iowa — perhaps the greatest crime
President Trump was ahead three states that ALWAYS was the lack of dual controls
in Pennsylvania by nearly g o t o t h e e v e n t u a l and chain of custody
700,000 votes. presidential winner. records that ensure a fair
and free election.
In Michigan Trump was T h e n s u d d e n l y
ahead by over 300,000 Pennsylvania, Michigan, At a high level, when ballots
votes. and Wisconsin announced are transferred or changes
t h e y w o u l d n o t b e a r e m a d e i n v o t i n g
In Wisconsin Trump was announcing their winner machines, these moves and
ahead by 120,000 votes. that night. changes should be done