Page 24 - Journal_2
P. 24
24 ELECTION FRAUD Trump’s Time
as the Democrat counters in
Wisconsin the TCF Center in Detroit Ric Grenell Announces
covered the windows so no Lawsuit at Rally in Las
In Wisconsin drop boxes one could watch what they Vegas to Stop the Steal –
were added to the election were counting with ballots: “Illegal” Ballots Are Being
process but not through the Counted in Nevada.
legislature, through the Detroit Ballot Counters
executive branch. Were Counting “Xerox Arizona
Copies” as Actual Military
In addition, another huge Votes. Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar
chain of custody issue and other Republican
occurred in Milwaukee Pennsylvania officials were denied entry
where more than 100,000 into the Maricopa County
b a l l o t s m i r a c u l o u s l y Here too there are no doubt Elections Center as ballots
occurred. issues with chain of custody were counted.
documentation but they
Late at night, a flash drive also prevent poll watchers Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar
was lost in Milwaukee at the from seeing what they were Denied Entry Into Maricopa
same time the votes were doing in Philadelphia. County Elections Center as
added to joe Biden's totals: Ballots Are Counted.
Biden was down by nearly
Developing: Milwaukee 700,000 votes on election Democrats were able to
Elections Chief Lost night: cheat behind closed doors,
Elections Flash Drive in in the dead of the night and
M o r n i n g H o u r s o f Associated Press Agrees in dozens of counting
November 4th When with Democrats that GOP centers in the 2020 election.
Democrats Miraculously Observers Should Not Be
Found 120,000 Votes for A l l o w e d I n s i d e Democrat operatives
Joe Biden. Convention Center to blocked access to GOP
Watch Vote Counters. observers, and violated
Michigan chain of custody laws
This went on for days until across the country.
In Michigan, there were Democrats were able to
several chain of custody steal the landslide election The media ignored these
violations. from President Trump. violations. They supported
the lawlessness.
As The Gateway Pundit P h i l l i p K l i n e : P h i l l y
reported last week. A city Prosecutor Threatens to Jail If Republicans ever want
van delivered tens of Trump If He Sends in to win a national election
thousands of ballots at 3:30 Uncertified Poll Watchers — they must enforce the
and 4:30 in the morning on Officials Still Refuse to Allow chain of custody laws.
election night. GOP Watchers in Room.
U n t i l t h i s h a p p e n s
Exclusive: The TCF Center Nevada Republicans do not stand
Election Fraud – Newly a chance against their
Discovered Video Shows Again, no doubt there are immoral and cheating
Late Night Deliveries of chain of custody issues, and opposition.
Tens of Thousands of Illegal p o l l w a t c h e r s w e r e
Ballots 8 Hours After prevented from watching
Deadline. the election counting as
There was no dual control well: