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Trump’s Time ELECTION FRAUD                                                                    23

          with two individuals present        that  the  chain  of  custody       Announced  on  Nov.  3rd
          (dual  control),  one  from         and  the  movement  of  all         Evening  that  Counting
          each  party,  and  the              ballots be recorded.                would  Stop  at  11  PM  —
          movements  of  ballots                                                  Then  Led  Team  to  Count
          should be recorded.                 But  Democrat  operatives,          Stashed 'Suitcase” Ballots.
                                              the  Department  of  Justice
          So  when  states  inserted          and FBI disregarded these           There  was  a  total  of
          drop boxes into the election,       laws in Georiga.                    somewhere  near  460,000
          these changes first needed                                              ballots  where  there  is  no
          to  be  updated  through  the       Late  at  night  on  election       chain  of  custody  records
          legislature,  which  they           night  after  the  election         available in Georgia.
          weren't, and all movements          officer  in  charge,  Ralph
          from  the  time  when  the          Jones,  sent  all  of  the          Despite  this,  the  crooked
          ballots  were  inserted  into       election  observers  and            Secretary  of  State  Brad
          drop  boxes  needed  to  be         media  home  for  the  night,       Raffensperger  certified  the
          recorded,  which  they              he  instructed  Democrat            election  results  with  these
          weren't.                            operatives  to  drag  hidden        ballots included:
                                              ballot  suitcases  out  from
          Chain of Custody laws were          under  the  tables  to  be          Georgia's  Secretary  of
          violated  across  the  United       counted.                            State  Raffensperger
          States  to  favor  lawless                                              Certified  Georgia's  2020
          Democrats.                          There  was  no  chain  of           Election Results Knowing
                                              custody.                            460,000  Ballots  Were
                    Georgia                                                       Missing Legally Required
                                              Georgia  Election  Official         C h a i n   o f   C u s t o d y
          In Georgia the law requires         R a l p h   J o n e s ,   S r .     Documentation.
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