Page 317 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 317


       and the available opportunities.    ;~f " '•••••••"'~·;i~f:
       But above all, make sure the
                                           Make sure the product is
       product is worth your energy and
                                              worth your energy.
       total devotion. Otherwise, you
      could be energetically spinning                - Donald]. Trump
      your wheels.
          Robert mentions the import-
      ance of going beyond your comfort zone when it comes to network
       marketing. He also mentions giving yourself enough time. These are
      good points to consider. I would also agree that having leadership
     , qualities is critical for success. You definitely have to have a take-
      charge, can-do attitude.
          As with any other undertaking, know everything you can about
      what you're doing before you begin. Network marketing has proven
      itself to be a viable and rewarding source of income, and the
      challenges could be just right for you. There have been some
      remarkable examples of success, and those successes have been
      earned through diligence, enthusiasm and the right product
      combined with timing. As with so many issues we have discussed
      before, there are tangibles and intangibles involved, but success is
      not a total mystery, and that applies to network marketing as well.
          Most people have heard of focus groups, a research tool that
      advertising agencies use when they are testing a new product. They
      will go out to different locations and simply ask everyday people
      what they like and don't like about a new product. It's best if you
      can keep the focus group idea close at hand when you are deciding
      about a product. Just because you like it doesn't mean everyone
      else will. Finding a common denominator in product appeal will
          My nutshell advice about network marketing is to do your
      research and then put everything you've got into your product.
      Genuine enthusiasm is hard to beat, and the odds will be with you.

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