Page 212 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 212


                   engrained those scripts first in my head, then in the heads of all my

                   agents. Those tools made us hundreds of thousands of dollars.
                         Floyd had a motto:  “ We get by giving. ”  He even had lapel pins
                   made up with that saying. I ’ ve always remembered that, because his
                   simple statement has made me a fortune over the years.
                         Call it  karma , call it the  law of reciprocity , call it whatever you want,
                   but it works.
                         Look around and satisfy a need that someone has, and you will be
                   repaid in spades. Make it a habit to be a  net giver  and you can ’ t help but
                   benefi t. Go the extra mile to get a transaction completed for a broker
                   or seller and you will get something in return; maybe not right away,

                   but definitely in the future.
                         I ’ m not talking about mysticism or religion here. You can be cold
                   and calculating if you choose; but if you first give something of  genuine

                   value, it has a way of ricocheting around and eventually coming back to
                   you. I can ’ t explain it — I just know that it works, and hope you try it.

                                     Tame the Overactive Spreadsheet

                     Many investors spend time making sure they get the expenses right
                   while analyzing a deal, and also assume that the value of the property
                   will increase. Big mistake. This is not looking at the deal through the
                   eyes of a conservative investor, but through the eyes of a speculator.
                         I ’ ve seen spreadsheets that are even worse — they not only show
                   increasing property values, but they increase that value faster than they
                   escalate costs. You can take a pastrami - on - rye and make it look like a
                   phenomenal deal if you aggressively model it in a spreadsheet.
                         Don ’ t get caught up in the hype, regardless of what an anxious
                   broker or seller is promising.
                         If you want to be a conservative investor, you must assume three

                        1.   The project will take longer than you thought.


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