Page 214 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 214


                   needs help, they spring into action, well before being asked. I suggest
                   you spend some time assembling a team that has a similar chemistry.
                   It will make your daily activities immeasurably more pleasant and
                   profi table.

                                              Character Traits

                       Be coachable.  A great many successful people have a coach or mentor.
                   These may be formal or informal arrangements, but they ’ re critical to
                   your success. Someone has already been down the road you seek
                   to travel. Not only can mentors help you to clear any obstacles, but
                   they hold you accountable.
                         On second thought, that ’ s not quite true. In reality, it ’ s your self -
                     esteem that holds you accountable to the mentor, after you commit to
                   something. Continuously be on the lookout for these people. The
                   good ones can save you literally years of dead ends.
                           Be decisive.  When a window of opportunity opens, pass through it,
                   even if you haven ’ t entirely mapped out what ’ s on the other side.
                   Unsuccessful people spend their time wondering if it ’ s the right time
                   to pass through and second - guessing themselves until it ’ s too late.
                         If you want to be successful, decide and go forward. You will be
                   rewarded more than you mess up. If you are perpetually indecisive,

                   someday you ’ ll look back and lament  “ I should have, I could have . . . . ”
                           Practice creative discipline toward your goals.  Life constantly gets in
                   the way of your goals. The great commander, Hannibal, marched war
                   elephants through the mountain passes to Italy more than 2,000 years
                   ago, declaring:  “ We shall either find a way, or make one. ”  That atti-

                   tude will not only make you famous, it will make you rich.

                                            In the Next Chapter

                     I trust you ’ re refreshed from our intermission? We now move on to

                   the final elements involved in getting your first commercial real estate

                   deal done.


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