Page 216 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 216


                             Y ou ’ ll Never Get

                              Rich by  Y ourself

                             AMATEUR M ISTAKE: “I F I  WANT  IT  DONE  RIGHT,
                             I  NEED  TO  DO  IT  MYSELF.”

                     I don’t know who first said this, but I can tell you that it was not some-
                     one who became rich.
                        Let’s get something out of the way right up front: You probably can
                     do a few things better than most people. You may even be able to do
                     one or two things better than just about anyone.
                        So what. If you are serious about becoming seriously rich, then you
                     must get beyond your own skills, because you need a whole variety of
                     talents. And you can’t possibly be superior at all of them.
                        You must now acquire a new skill—the ability to change your atti-
                     tude about delegation.
                        First, recognize that for many tasks, perfection is wasteful. It’s the
                     80/20 Principle at work again: If you want to go for perfection, you’ll
                     spend 80 percent of your time on just that last 20 percent of improve-
                     ment. I’m here to tell you that it’s usually not worth it.
                        Know when to stop. Demand high-quality work from yourself and
                     the people with whom you work, but also know when to say it’s good
                     enough. For instance, you won’t make extra money by scouring your
                     market for 25 comparable properties, when 10 is more than suffi cient.


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