Page 280 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 280


                   Operating statements              P.M. side of roads, 72
                     deal analysis and, 69           Population trends, market cycles and,
                     due diligence and, 116–117         32–33
                     negotiation and, 108–109        Prepayment penalty, assumption of debt
                   Options, 175–176                     and, 173, 175
                   Owner fi nancing                   Price
                     asking seller about, 98          as component of value, 73–74
                     letter of intent and, 89–90      local paradigm and, 30
                   Ownership chain. See Title        Private investors, 166–167, 176–177

                   Ownership change, first steps after,   on money team, 206–207
                       135–136                       Pro forma numbers, avoiding using,
                                                        11–12, 68–69, 143–144
                   Pareto Principle. See 80/20 rule  Profit, at purchase

                   Parking, value calculation and, 77  from emerging markets, 10–11
                   Pass-through expenses, 75, 220     from equity build-up, 9
                   Payroll register, reviewing seller’s during   from forced appreciation, 11–12
                       due diligence, 120             potential for, 1–3
                   Performance clause, in listing     from repositioning, 12–13
                         agreement, 245               from 1031 exchanges, 14–15

                   Permits, due diligence and, 129   Profit, at resale, 230–231
                   Personal property inventory, due   closing and, 250–252
                         diligence and, 91            due diligence period and, 249–250
                   Pest inspection, due diligence and, 125  knowing when to sell, 231–235
                   Phases I and II environmental      leaving some for buyer, 233–234
                         inspections                  listing agreement, 243–245

                     due diligence and, 91, 110–111, 124–125  preparing financials for, 236–238
                     in loan application package, 171  preparing property for, 235–236
                   Photos of property, in loan application   property-information package, 238
                       package, 171                   real estate broker selection and,
                   Physical due diligence, 111, 114,    240–243
                       122–126                        real estate brokers and, 238–240
                     appraisal, 124                   researching of buyer, 247–249
                     being present for inspection, 125–126  types of listings, 246–247
                     pest inspection, 125            Profi t-and-loss statements
                     Phases I and II environmental    deal analysis and, 68, 91
                         inspections, 124–125         in property manager’s report, 226
                     property survey, 123–124        Proof of funds, requiring of buyer,
                     renegotiation and, 126             247–248
                     site inspection, 122–123        Property
                     site plans and specifications review, 123  address of, in letter of intent, 88

                     tool and supply inventory, 124   advantages of dealing in many types
                     using professional for, 150        of, 4–6
                   Physical occupancy, 77             rather than buyer’s wealth as focus of
                   Pipeline of deals                    deal, 3–4
                     advantages of full, 47–48        readying for resale, 235–236
                     importance of keeping full, 52–53, 109  Property inspector, on property team, 210


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