Page 110 - Midas Touch
P. 110

With  my  experience  working  with  my  father  as  my  early  training  in
                branding,  I  went  on  and  established  the  Trump  name  in  Manhattan  and
                then  nationally  and  internationally.  Much  as  Robert  had  his  rich  dad  to
                point things out to him, I had my father, Fred C. Trump, as a mentor. He

                often emphasized how important it is to love what you do.

                Success  most  likely  won’t  happen  otherwise.  He  was  also  efficient  and
                gave me his four-step formula for success:

                1. Get in.

                2. Get it done.

                3. Get it done right.

                4. And get out.

                That’s  exactly  how  he  worked.  His  comprehensive  approach  to  business
                has  always  stayed  with  me.  Working  with  him  in  those  early  years  and

                watching  him  in  action  was  a  great  education,  unparalleled  actually.  It
                proves that having an example is a great way to learn, and it’s one reason I
                try  to  set  the  example  in  my  organization.  People  learn  by  watching  as
                well as listening.

                Today, the Trump brand is firmly established as representing the highest
                quality  available  anywhere.  When  you  think  Trump,  you  think  quality.
                That didn’t happen by accident. It has been a conscious decision since day

                one, and we work at it daily. For example, when we’re working on a new
                project,  we  do  our  research.  In  Scotland,  we  not  only  hired
                geomorphologists  to  study  the  sand  dunes,  but  also  made  significant
                improvements in the plan to protect the local wildlife: the creation of three
                artificial  holts  for  otters,  badger  protection,  new  habitats  for  birds,  the
                erection of nest boxes and bat boxes, the creation of new slacks, plant and

                habitat  translocation,  and  seed  collection  to  maintain  young  dune  slack
                habitats. And that’s just a short list of how comprehensive we had to be to
                deliver  the  absolute  finest  quality.  With  this  project,  the  finest  quality
                meant being environmentally sensitive. Nothing, from the wading birds to
                the Black-headed Gulls, was a minor issue to us.

                It’s true. Being the best requires full-time attention and application. Mess
                it  up,  and  it  will  be  in  the  papers.  The  fact  that  I  am  of  interest  to  the

                media keeps my name circulating on a daily basis. They are going to write
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